Examples of parameters that can influence your desire to play sports.
The Blog
22 healthy snack ideas
Simple ideas of snacks, practical and healthy.
Top 6 reasons why you shouldn’t count calories
Do you count your calories? Here are 6 reasons to discourage you. By trying desperately to count your calories, you are perhaps missing out on what is essential.
Shocking image : Fast weight loss effect
Behind the scenes of bariatric surgery
Why weighing yourself too often is not relevant (graphs)
To explain what to expect when losing weight, let’s look at it the other way around. To explain weight loss, let’s look at weight gain. Weight gain over time is not linear. It doesn’t increase as a straight line. Each day, we are not necessarily heavier than the previous day.… Read More
Nutrition IS a treatment
Nutrition is a treatment. Need facts ?
6 ways of using vinegar in your garden
How to use vinegar to protect your garden and at the same time your health and the environment.
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Hmm..
Ok, lets get real. Having an optimal healthy weight does feel good ! I will not deny that. But this quote does not mention health… instead it says : ‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.’ So my question here is what does SKINNY feels like ? Can someone describe this ?… Read More
No one is perfect
Before and after photos I think these women looked great even before Photoshop, but the reason why I am sharing this is to remind us all that no one is perfect. Once again, the way we see famous people on magazines and posters is not real. We all have flaws… Read More
Nutritional facts of potato and sweet potato
Nutritional facts of sweet potato and regular potato.
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