Why weighing yourself too often is not relevant (graphs)

To explain what to expect when losing weight, let’s look at it the other way around. To explain weight loss, let’s look at weight gain. Weight gain over time is not linear. It doesn’t increase as a straight line. Each day, we are not necessarily heavier than the previous day.… Read More

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Hmm..

Ok, lets get real. Having an optimal healthy weight does feel good ! I will not deny that. But this quote does not mention health… instead it says : ‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.’ So my question here is what does SKINNY feels like ? Can someone describe this ?… Read More

No one is perfect

Before and after photos I think these women looked great even before Photoshop, but the reason why I am sharing this is to remind us all that no one is perfect. Once again, the way we see famous people on magazines and posters is not real. We all have flaws… Read More

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Anti-inflammation food It is after scientists discovered a way to measure inflammation in the body that anti-inflammation foods were found. People
In dairy products there is a natural sugar called lactose. To be able to digest this natural sugar our body
reasons why we should eat healthy
Healthy eating and its benefits I am sure that if you were told there was a pill that had all
Benefits of being hydrated  1) The brain : the control center. To avoid feeling dizzy and affecting your short term memory.
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If you are following a diet that rules out most of the foods that make you happy, you will not

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Anti-inflammation food It is after scientists discovered a way to measure inflammation in the body that anti-inflammation foods were found. People
In dairy products there is a natural sugar called lactose. To be able to digest this natural sugar our body
reasons why we should eat healthy
Healthy eating and its benefits I am sure that if you were told there was a pill that had all
Benefits of being hydrated  1) The brain : the control center. To avoid feeling dizzy and affecting your short term memory.
In our grocery list for a better immune system : we are looking for Zinc, Iron, Selenium, copper, calcium, Vitamin
If you are following a diet that rules out most of the foods that make you happy, you will not

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 Fun ways of eating fruits and vegetables This last photo is actually a follower of my website's french version. Melissa
Old shocking food commercials What is obvious now wasn't back then. And what isn't obvious today will be one day
Everybody seems to know all about nutrition and how you should or should not eat. Every time you turn a corner
Workplace health initiative gone wrong   At Stephanie's boyfriend's hi-tech company the bosses took the very wise decision (ironic of course)
5 reasons your basal metabolism is slow When introducing themselves, a lot of people will tell me things like : 'you know
Examples of fast Healthy meals These recipes are inspired or from the great recipe book of the heart & stroke